Excerpts from the City Journals

Excerpts from the City Journals is the second in a set of 5 zines made between January-September 2017, and were apart of my research in developing my larger series about Denver, ultimately leading to my recent book project Westward, Home. Each of the zines is printed on Strathmore Drawing Paper, staple bound, and contains at least one, unique print. These zines are all in an edition of 10 copies. Excerpts from the City Journals is built around some newspaper clippings from the Denver Post, digital files I made from microfilms of the paper at the Denver Public Library. The two articles reference major social issues during my early years - one detailing a brutal gain killing, the other the Oliver North scandal. The accompanying pictures reference different moral and social issues I recall as being part of my personal life when these news stories broke. Like Theater for the New City, this zine contains a fragment of Chtcheglov's "Formulary for a new Urbanism." Please email me with any inquiries about the Denver zines.